var tools = {};
* Sets the x and y units on an asset object according
* to it's definition in the WebStory.
* @param obj The JavaScript object asset.
* @param asset The XML Element with the asset's information.
tools.applyAssetUnits = function (obj, asset) {
var x, y;
x = asset.getAttribute('x') || "";
y = asset.getAttribute('y') || "";
obj.xUnit = x.replace(/^.*(px|%)$/, '$1');
obj.xUnit = obj.xUnit || 'px';
obj.yUnit = y.replace(/^.*(px|%)$/, '$1');
obj.yUnit = obj.yUnit || 'px';
if (obj.xUnit !== "px" && obj.xUnit !== "%") {
obj.xUnit = "px";
if (obj.yUnit !== "px" && obj.yUnit !== "%") {
obj.yUnit = "px";
* Removes a DOM Event from a DOM Element.
tools.removeEventListener = function (elem, type, listener) {
if (typeof elem === "undefined" || elem === null) {
elem.removeEventListener(type, listener, false);
* Function that replaces the names of variables in a string
* with their respective values.
* @param text [string] The text that contains variables.
* @param interpreter [WSE.Interpreter] The interpreter instance.
* @return [string] The text with the inserted variable values.
tools.replaceVariables = function (text, interpreter) {
var f1, f2;
if (text === null) {
return text;
if (typeof text !== "string") {
interpreter.bus.trigger("wse.interpreter.error", {
message: "Argument supplied to the replaceVariables function must be a string."
text = "";
f1 = function () {
var name = arguments[1];
if (interpreter.globalVars.has(name)) {
return "" + interpreter.globalVars.get(name);
return "";
f2 = function () {
var name = arguments[1];
if (name in interpreter.runVars) {
return "" + interpreter.runVars[name];
return "";
// insert values of global variables ($$var):
text = text.replace(/\{\$\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}/g, f1);
// insert values of local variables ($var):
text = text.replace(/\{\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}/g, f2);
return text;
tools.getSerializedNodes = function (element) {
var ser = new XMLSerializer(), nodes = element.childNodes, i, len;
var text = '';
for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i += 1) {
text += ser.serializeToString(nodes[i]);
return text;
tools.getParsedAttribute = function (element, attributeName, interpreter, defaultValue) {
var value;
if (arguments.length < 3) {
defaultValue = "";
value = element.getAttribute(attributeName) || ("" + defaultValue);
return tools.replaceVariables(value, interpreter);
* Replaces { and } to < and > for making it HTML.
* Optionally replaces newlines with <break> elements.
* @param text [string] The text to convert to HTML.
* @param nltobr [bool] Should newlines be converted to breaks? Default: false.
tools.textToHtml = function (text, nltobr) {
nltobr = nltobr || false;
if (!(String.prototype.trim)) {
text = text.replace(/^\n/, "");
text = text.replace(/\n$/, "");
else {
text = text.trim();
text = nltobr === true ? text.replace(/\n/g, "<br />") : text;
text = text.replace(/\{/g, "<");
text = text.replace(/\}/g, ">");
return text;
* Generates a unique ID. Used by assets to identify their own stuff
* in savegames and the DOM of the stage.
* @return [number] The unique ID.
tools.getUniqueId = (function () {
var uniqueIdCount = 0;
return function () {
uniqueIdCount += 1;
return uniqueIdCount;
* Converts the first character in a string to upper case.
* @param input [string] The string to transform.
* @return [string] The transformed string.
tools.firstLetterUppercase = function (input) {
if (input.length < 1) {
return "";
return "" + input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.replace(/^.{1}/, "");
tools.mixin = function (source, target) {
var key;
for (key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
tools.extractUnit = function (numberString) {
return typeof numberString !== "string" ? "" : numberString.replace(/^(-){0,1}[0-9]*/, "");
tools.calculateValueWithAnchor = function (oldValue, anchor, maxValue) {
var value = 0, anchorUnit = "px";
if (!anchor) {
return oldValue;
anchorUnit = tools.extractUnit(anchor);
anchor = parseInt(anchor, 10);
if (anchorUnit === "%") {
value = oldValue - ((maxValue / 100) * anchor);
else {
value = oldValue - anchor;
return value;
tools.getWindowDimensions = function () {
var e = window,
a = 'inner';
if (!('innerWidth' in e)) {
a = 'client';
e = document.documentElement || document.body;
return {
width: e[a + 'Width'],
height: e[a + 'Height']
tools.fitToWindow = function (el, w, h) {
var dim, ratio, sw, sh, ratioW, ratioH;
dim = tools.getWindowDimensions();
sw = dim.width; // - (dim.width * 0.01);
sh = dim.height; // - (dim.height * 0.01);
ratioW = sw / w;
ratioH = sh / h;
ratio = ratioW > ratioH ? ratioH : ratioW;
//ratio = parseInt(ratio * 100) / 100;
el.getAttribute('style') + ' -moz-transform: scale(' + ratio + ',' + ratio +
') rotate(0.01deg);' + ' -ms-transform: scale(' + ratio + ',' + ratio +
');' + ' -o-transform: scale(' + ratio + ',' + ratio +
');' + ' -webkit-transform: scale(' + ratio + ',' + ratio + ');' +
' transform: scale(' + ratio + ',' + ratio + ');');
tools.log = function (bus, message) {
tools.trigger(bus, "wse.interpreter.message", message);
tools.warn = function (bus, message, element) {
tools.trigger(bus, "wse.interpreter.warning", message, element);
tools.logError = function (bus, message, element) {
tools.trigger(bus, "wse.interpreter.error", message, element);
tools.trigger = function (bus, channel, message, element) {
bus.trigger(channel, {
element: element || null,
message: message
A function that checks whether an attribute value is considered truthy by
the engine. Truthy values are true
and yes
truthy :: any -> boolean
tools.truthy = function (value) {
return ["true", "yes"].indexOf(value) >= 0;
module.exports = tools;